Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Blogosphere

Do you know...the last time I bothered to check...I followed over 37 blogs?
And that's not even a recent count. It's actually much higher than that these days I'm sure.

It's crazy. I know.
I mean I check in with these people every few days.
Have done it for years.

I comment.
They comment.
It's like an extended family or a support group of sorts.
It's just second nature.
Every few days I just click on over to see what everyone's up to.
It helps, I suppose that I've got an 8-5 desk job which only requires I operate on about 45% capacity...we've had this discussion before...about my love/hate relationship with my job.

A lot of them are craft blogs (a guilty pleasure).
Many are writing-related blogs.
Some are political.
Some I draw inspiration from.
Some help me catch up with family or friends.
Some I have been invited to check out via links people have emailed me of their blogs.
And, in turn, I pass on a lot of blog links to friends, family, coworkers, etc.
In fact, if you've sent me a link, I can pretty much guarantee I've passed it on at least once.

So, now you know.
Blogger, Typepad, Xanga, SparkPeople, I check 'em all...every week.
Shoot, many I even check every day! It's my way of keeping in touch with people despite my inability to do so in person as I'd like. They help me keep abreast of current issues, of current crafting, of the world at large, really.
It's what they're there for.
Blogs I mean.

Hi, my name is Caralyn and I'm addicted to the written word
(shocker, right?)
I can't be the only one...
Anyone follow any extraordinary blogs out there that I don't know about?

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