Monday, August 16, 2010

Cowboy Coffee

I discovered this recipe via The Art of Manliness blog...
and I just kind of love it.
And some days...I think I really need it.

Cowboy Coffee

Out on the trail, coffee was a staple among cowboys. Piping hot coffee helped a cowboy shake off the stiffness from sleeping on the hard desert ground, and it was also a good beverage to wash down the morning sour dough biscuits. But cowboys didn’t have the luxury of fancy coffee brewers or french presses. They had to pack light, so all they usually had was a metal coffee pot, sans filter, to brew their coffee in. No matter. A cowboy could still make a decent cup of coffee. Here’s how.

  1. Bring water to a near boil over your campfire.
  2. Throw your coffee grounds right into the water. That’s right. Filters are for city slickers.
  3. Stir the coffee over the fire for a minute or two.
  4. Remove the pot from the fire and let the coffee sit for a minute or two to allow the grounds to settle at the bottom of the pot. Add a bit of cold water to help speed along the settling process.
  5. Carefully pour the coffee into your tin cup so that the grounds stay in the pot.
  6. Stand around the fire with your left thumb in your belt loop and your coffee cup in your right hand. Take slow sips and meditate on the trek ahead.

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