Monday, June 18, 2007


Current mood: calm
Category: Life
monday, june 18, 2007

So the theme of my weekend seemed to be patience.

We've been trying to instill some sense of the innate virtue and beauty, if you will, of patience in our eldest, Isabelle, newly three with the attitude to match.
"I need more milk now, Daddy" -Isabelle, be patient
"I need to see the picture now, Mommy!" -Isabelle, be patient
"I want that toy, give it to me right now!" -Isabelle! be patient!
It's a tough pill for a toddler to swallow, being told she'll have to wait for something and learning that life doesn't always happen on her internal timeline.
Apparantly someone took her side in the argument, looked down from on high, waved a magic wand and decided it was my turn to be reminded of the same life lesson this past weekend.
A week away from my due date with munchkin #3 and I was ready to go.
Bag packed (check!)
Contractions closing in on seven minutes apart (check!)
Doctor on call (check!)
and then....
No baby forthcoming. No more contractions. Back to square one.
And it's so frustrating, and more than a little embarrassing being that it's my third child, to actually go to the hospital and then get sent home because it just isn't your time yet. I drowned my sorrows in half a container of Eddy's chocolate peanut-butter chunk ice cream and started to question why I couldn't just be done with this pregnancy already, when I realized I was pulling an Isabelle.
These things just don't adhere to anyone's timeline but their own. And my body (and munchkins by extension) have never been amenable to being rushed along.

So I'm back to square one. I get it now. A little exercise in patience.
I guess we all need a little reminding from time to time
that life doesn't always happen on our timeline.

Currently listening:
Sky Blue Sky
By Wilco

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